The heart and the mind (OMD challenge day 28: TV show)

Dear readers,

After yesterday's trip back in time to day 8, we're back on track with day 28 of the OMD Rather Awesome challenge, which is TV shows. With a preamble like this one, I really should have a Doctor Who mani for you, and that was the original plan. But then I was playing around with two LynBDesigns polishes  from her Baker Street collection for separate posts and this happened. 

This is a three-for-one, actually, because I started with a full mani of Lost Without My Blogger on the left hand (because John is left-handed and he's the heart, while Sherlock is the mind - though I've been reliably informed he does have a heart).

Lost Without My Blogger consists of silver hexagons of varying sizes, some shreds, light and dark green circles and square green mini-glitters in a greenish milky base. I was so focused on the art that I didn't take notes, but I think I'm wearing three coats on the pointer, middle finger and pinky. The holo polish on the ring finger and thumb is Literary Lacquers Green Gables. The later pictures show Lost Without My Blogger over one layer each of Literaray Lacquers Green Gables and Lake of Shining Waters on the thumb - undies definitely help with the making it seem more green without sacrificing too much depth. All jellies in this post are topped with a matte top coat (which bubbled on the right hand), the holos have no top coat.

Initially I was just going to do the number for John's blog's post count, which has some significance in the show (massive spoilers here, only click if you've already seen both seasons: John's blog) but then on a whim I decided to sketch John using LynBDesigns Quoth the Raven (see yesterday's post for a review of that).

On the right hand I did a Mind Palace mani - I think that's two coats on the pinky, middle finger and pointer, three coats over Purple Polish of Sex on the thumb, and two coats of Purple Polish of Sex on the ring finger. This is chock full of glitter! We have large white diamonds, black, white, silver and purple hexagons, and tons of little blue squares in a slightly purple-tinged, mostly translucent base.

Now when you look at these next pictures, keep in mind I did this with my non-dominant hand and my right-hand nails are very short. First I tried doing Sherlock in black, to match John, but it didn't show very well over the rich, dark, sexy purple. So then I decided to use Eloquent Dust, another one from the Baker Street collection. That didn't go so well either. 

Finally I realised why Sherlock wasn't cooperating: He wanted to be with John! How could I have made the mistake of separating one of literature's greatest couples?
I removed all but John from the left hand and gave Sherlock a purple holo background to match John's green: ILNP Amanda Hugginkiss. It's a gorgeous light purple both in the shade and the sun, and as soon as I get round to posting non-challenge manis I've made in the last month (read: hopefully sometime this year) it'll get its own post. 
Don't they look much happier now? Well, Sherlock's raising his sarcastic eyebrow and John's got his usual look of restrained annoyance and exasperation, but that's just their way of saying they love one another. 

I like how their expressions seem to change ever so subtly depending on how the light hits the holo.

blushing Sherlock, smiling John
disgruntled Sherlock, mischievous John

To complete the look, I added Mind Palace over Purple Shirt of Sex next to Sherlock and Lost Without My Blogger next to John.

I can wholeheartedly recommend all of these polishes. Mind Palace requires some patience (which is basically the same as in the show) since you have to dab it carefully to achieve a smooth finish, Lost Without Your Blogger was easier for me to use. Both are well worth it though! The holos are all made of awesome. You can get Lake of Shining Waters and Green Gables here, Amanda Hugginkiss here (it's even currently in stock!), and all the rest here at LynBDesigns, who currently has a 50% sale until the 1st. 
The shipping options shown are only for the US but she does ship internationally, just contact her via etsy. I've ordered three times from her now and she is very nice and pleasant to communicate with. Shipping to Europe is quite fast and the polishes have arrived safe and sound packaged individually in bubblewrap.

Just one more fangirly remark: Do you see the background of the polish labels? That's the wallpaper at 221b Baker Street. Her Doctor Who polishes have a TARDIS on the label. Such a cute detail!

Check out today's other TV show-inspired manis here:

28. Inspired by a TV Show :

The nail newbie (deducing that you like nail polish)

Note: Any links to external blogs or stores are pure link love - no advertising or affiliate linking going on here. I paid for everything and it's all fine.


  1. This is really amazing - what a great job you've done with the faces!! :)

  2. This is awesome! You really rocked the faces! Thanks for using my polish in such a cool design.

  3. This is really great! Thanks for using my polish in such a cool design. The detail in the faces is really impressive!

    1. Thank you, I'm glad you like it! Your polishes are always a joy to work with.


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