Flowers by the bay (OMD day 14: flowers)

Dear readers,

This is my 100th post. I had hoped this would be a slightly more momentous occasion than just a quick post of a mani I prepared for the OMD challenge a week ago, but there you go.

Honestly, I never expected to get to this point. My few previous attempts at blogging petered out after a month or two and a dozen posts, but now I've been blogging for over half a year. At the same time I don't really feel very accomplished or experienced - I still feel like a newbie, so I guess I don't have to think about changing my name anytime soon. I was going to say that I feel my nail art's improved but then I went back to look for my first nail art post and found this - not so different from today's flowers, eh? ;) That was a challenge too, which I gave up on after two days. So that's progress, I guess - at least this time around I'm doing most of the manis. And if you look at my actual first mani, the red "gradient" in this post, then yeah, a lot has happened since then.

I don't know where I'm going with my rambling or my blog, but I do know I love hanging out with all you polish girls (and boys?) and doing weird nail art and geeking out about nerdy nail polish, so I guess you're stuck with me for a while.

So with that said, here's a flower mani I actually planned to redo because it's not very tidy and the idea of using the dots as part of the flowers only came to me while I was doing it, so there's no planning in their placement. Because of work and other manis I had no time, though, and I didn't take this one with me on vacation, so this'll have to do.

no top coat

The polish is Dot of the Bay by Pretty & Polished; a lovely aqua jelly with round green, blue and pink metal glitters. I'm not quite sure how many coats I used here, probably 3 or so. The petals are my standard LOOK white.

I'm pretty late posting this tonight so there's already an impressive collection of flowers in the linky, go have a look!

14. Flowers :

The nail newbie, ready for another 100 posts


  1. Congratulations on your 100 posts! I just passed 100 as well. I like the brightness of the flowers with the blue, it contrasts very well. :)


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