Less than three (OMD challenge day 15: hearts)

Dear readers,

Do you remember when I said I'd have more time for my blog on my vacation? Hah. Not that I'm complaining though, I'm doing all sorts of fun stuff and I prepared a few manis ahead of time so it's all fine.

Today's OMD challenge theme is hearts and I've got a first for you: first 3D nails! I used Pretty & Polished Liberty Bell Ruby, which has a slightly thick formula but a beautiful colour and is filled with small hexagonal and larger round glitters that appear to be metallic pink but look quite different depending on how they reflect the light.

I used three layers of it and then added heart studs from a craft pack I picked up somewhere, so they're not originally intended for nail art (as you can see in the different sizes) but they work well. I used the smallest size on the fingers and a slightly larger one on the thumb.

It just seems to be a fact that jellies look best matte (okay, let's face it, almost everything looks best matte), but here it really made a huge difference.

Let's see what heart manis the others have for us today!

15. Hearts :

The nail newbie, fresh out of heart puns


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