Well, it's an S here (OMD challenge day 25: inspired by a movie)

Dear readers,

Today's challenge theme is inspired by a movie. You know I often do movie manis in advance so I can wear them to the theatre, but this one is inspired by the imagery of Man of Steel. First, let's have a very short, non-spoilery review: It's not a very good movie. It's entertaining (although they could have cut about half an hour towards the end) but half the time we were laughing at it, not with it.
That said, the Kryptonian design is beautiful. It's quite different from other Superman movies, very metally but organic - really, the only way I can describe the aesthetics is 'art nouveau-punk' (as in steampunk, but inspired by art nouveau rather than Victorian style). Have a look at Christian Lorenz Scheurer's concept art for Man of Steel even if you're not into superhero movies! (Could be a bit spoilery as you may be able to guess a few scenes in advance, but quite honestly, I could guess what was going to happen for most of the film.) Some of these look almost Giger-esque, but the overall impression in the movie is not so much of nightmares and surrealism as of organic metals. 

I first wanted to use the design of a gorgeous window on a space vessel that appears in the movie but I couldn't find a picture of it, so I chose the chairs in the Council Chamber of Krypton (totally non-spoilery picture here). 

Due to my choice of colours it ended up looking a bit like a wedding mani - perhaps I should have chosen a different base. Actually, I absolutely should have, because this one bubbled something awful and every brushstroke shows. It's a cheapo-cheap drugstore polish (b.pretty pearl) which I only got because it was part of a nail pearl set. Not using this again except as base under the pearls.
The ornaments are essence go bold!, which I really love as a gold tone because it's not too bright, if that makes any sense.

I had to add a more direct reference to the movie of course, so I painted Superman's sigil on my thumb. As he explains to Lois Lane, it's not an S, it means 'hope' in Kryptonian - to which she responds with "well, it's an S here". This is done in a-england Sleeping Palace.

See the other movie manis here:

25. Inspired by a Movie :

Did you see the movie? Do you have a favourite superhero? 

The nail newbie, who cannot wait to see what inspiration Pacific Rim holds (and more importantly, cannot wait to see Pacific Rim tomorrow!)



  1. I don't think it looks like a wedding mani at all - just a very "rich" looking mani, if you know what I mean? I like it! :)


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