That's what people do (OMD challenge day 16: ruffian/halfmoon)

Dear readers,

Today's theme for the OMD challenge is "ruffian/halfmoon". The name 'ruffian' for what is essentially the opposite of a French manicure has always confused me a bit. Do lawless brutes paint their nails in two different colours to show they are rebels? Is the differently-coloured rim at the base of the nail a signal that tells those in the know "don't mess with me"? I do not know. But I do know that if I can get away with using the dictionary to make a mani a bit more amusing, I'll do it, so here is my take on a ruffian mani, inspired by ruffian and consulting criminal extraordinaire, James Moriarty (though I suppose Sebastian Moran could be considered even more of a ruffian). 

This is another polish from LynBDesigns' Baker Street collection, called So Changeable. I don't think it's much of a spoiler for the TV show Sherlock to say that this name is very appropriate. (You'll want to avoid clicking on any further links in this post if you're concerned about spoilers though.) Is he blue or is he purple? Does he have a hint of turquoise? Is he going to kill you or not? There's no way to tell. He's just sooooooooo changeable.

I adore Jenna's polishes, their formula is one of the best I've ever encountered, and they don't just carry geeky names, they embody them. This is three thin coats (no top coat) over a coat of Essence go bold! Why gold, you ask? Because, honey, you should see him in a crown.

Click on the linky below to see the ruffians and halfmoons the others have prepared for today!

16. Ruffian/Half-Moon :

The nail newbie, consulting nail polish addict


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