Oh Mon Dieu!

Hi all, it's nail art day! Well, actually, as it turns out, in July every day might be nail art day. I don't usually take on 30/31 day challenges because they're too tough for me, but since I've been managing the Tri-Polish challenge nicely and July should be a nice and quiet month for me, In decided to give the Oh Mon Dieu! It's the Rather Awesome 31 Day Challenge a go. It's hosted by Craftynail, Eeeek! Nail Polish! (love that name) and Brijit's Digits - all three blogs are well worth checking out. Click on the link above see all the details of the challenge and perhaps participate as well - there's prizes too, but I'm mostly in it for the fun.

It's nice and relaxed because you don't have to do everything (hence no post yesterday) and you don't have to do it in the right order either. I probably won't have something every day, but today's topic is blue and it inspired me to do this summery mani - it reminds me of deck chairs and beach balls.

It's a fairly self-explanatory mani - I started with a two coats of P2 up in the air and then began adding stripes at random intervals, one colour at a time.

 You may notice this was a pretty glossy mani at first, which was nice, but I decided to add a matte top coat and oh mon dieu, I love it!

But then, you already knew I have a bit of a love affair going on with my matte topper.

How do you like the mani? What are your favourite summer colours?

Go here to see today's linky collection, I'll have to see if I can get the code for tomorrow's.

The summery nail newbie
2. Blue :


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