Glitter Pride (OMD challenge day 19: glitter)

Dear readers,
I had quite a different mani prepared for today's 'glitter' theme, but then I really wanted to use Lucky 13 Lacquer's Pride, so here's a fun colourful and meaningful glitter mani for you (with Essie Marshmallow as a base).

Let me tell you a bit about my experience with Lucky 13 Lacquer and its maker Kyoti. I first found her (old) blog when searching for inspiration for my Pride mani in June. She had hosted a Pride nail art contest last year and posted some herself and I found some lovely nail art that way. I ended up doing something a bit different, but the use of symbols was inspired by the winning mani.
Then a few weeks later I discovered Accio Lacquer's blog and saw her review of one of Kyoti's polish lines. When I saw her gorgeous swatches of the wonderfully geeky polishes I couldn't resist. I've already showed you The Hero of Canton, the Man they Call Jayne and of course I had to get a Doctor Who polish (Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey) and a delicious green glitter-filled jelly called Avada Kedavra. I also ordered two surprise polishes and she picked the perfect ones for me - Life is Short and You are Hot from the Doctor Who collection, which I had been contemplating, and Leaf on the Wind. Here is a picture of them all, I'll show them in manis at a later date. Because today, it's all about the final polish, Pride.

In my post back in June I said nail polish couldn't change the world. I was wrong. Pride is a special polish Kyoti created to celebrate LGBT pride with the option of donating to the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), an American LGBT rights organisation, through her. It consists of a rainbow of hexagons in a clear base. I love it not just for its looks but for its significance and its contribution to changing the world one small step at a time.

Kyoti now has a new 'Polish with a Purpose', Fight Like a Girl, 50% of whose proceeds go to her friend and soul sister who is battling breast cancer. Another way for polish to change the world.
She also has a new collection out, Femme FaTEAL, which, given my love for teal, is a must have for me. You can see swatches here over at Accio Lacquer.

I know I'm gushing here but I can seriously recommend Lucky 13 Lacquers. The quality is excellent, international shipping was very quick and as I said, the surprise polishes she picked were perfect for me. I also want to thank her for the lovely note she added to my package. Thanks, Kyoti.

Wow, this post turned out a bit longer than I planned, but I hope you enjoyed it. You can see the other glitter manis here:
19. Glitter :

See you tomorrow for some 3D!

The nail newbie, glittery and proud


Note: Any links to external blogs or stores are pure link love - no advertising or affiliate linking going on here. I paid for everything, and I'm so glad I did because this stuff is awesome!


  1. These glitters are so pretty!! Love them against marshmallow :)


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