Holographic gradient (OMD challenge day 17: gradient)

Dear readers,

we're now in the second half of the Oh Mon Dieu Rather Awesome 31 Day Challenge Giveaway and there's still time to play if you want!

Today's theme is "gradient". I like doing gradients (usually with a sponge) but I decided to do an experiment this time: a holo gradient. I wasn't sure how it would work out with the different bends of the holographic polishes I used (all three from different indie brands), if there would be weird breaks and whether the gradient would show up in the sunlight at all, but as you can see, it actually worked out quite well. Of course you see less of the gradient in the sunlight because of all the crazy exploding rainbows but it's still visible - and the bend transitions wonderfully from one polish to the next.

This is not a canned mani, I did it this morning, so it's straight up painted since I don't have any nail art tools with me on vacation. I really should've included a small brush for cleanup though... 

The colours are ILNP 1st and 15th (light green), Literary Lacquers Lake of Shining Waters (dark green) and Digital Nails Stars at Night (blue). I really like how they worked together, but I think next time I'll try this with colours that are a bit more different from each other, say orange to red to purple or purple to blue to green (isn't it a good thing I have so many holo polishes? ;) ).

blurry for more sparkle
the lovely holos

How do you like my holo gradient? Have you tried this before?

Check out all the other gradients on today's linky:

17. Gradient :

The nail newbie, loving her 50 shades of holo

in the sunlight - yup, the gradient's still showing!
in the shade (sunny day)


  1. Loving your 50 shades of holo, too!!! hahaha :D
    This is gorgeous sweetie!

    ps. I'm back! :D Lots to catch up on! ;)

  2. Wow my mouth fell open when I saw the first pic. So pretty!


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