Reeds in the wind (OMD day 18: delicate)

Hi all,

A bit late with the OMD post today - I returned from my trip today (the airport security check was uneventful this time) and decided to test one of the polishes I picked up at a drugstore in Berlin. p2 is a store brand of drugstore chain dm, but they have different store brands in Austria and Germany, so p2 is rather hard to get here. And as we all know, the grass is always greener... I got a great yellow and a shimmery purple from limited editions and a pretty light blue from their volume gloss series, called 100 heavenly girl. It's an adorable light blue, just on the non-obnoxious side of baby blue*, and the formula is fantastic and tries to a lovely glossy finish. Keep in mind this is a €2 (~$2.5) polish. Oh, and I also bought a p2 quick dry spray, which seemed to work pretty well today.

This was a pretty quick and dirty mani because I just didn't have time for more. The theme today is delicate and I painted/dotted some sort of freeform flowers on two layers of p2 heavenly girl. I know there's a fabric with this sort of pattern (Marimekko perhaps, or Ikea?) and I'm pretty sure I've seen nails quite similar to this before, but I can't find a single picture! So let's say inspired by general osmosis and if anyone wants to link up pictures to similar manis I'd be delighted.

I topped this off with a layer of topcoat, but only to smooth out the nail art - the finish of the polish is just as shiny.

See everyone else's manis here, there's some really cute ones today!

18. Delicate :

The nail newbie, feeling a bit delicate today herself

*I just noticed it looks a bit turquoise in some of the pictures, it's not. The actual colour is somewhere between the first and the second picture.


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