Any colour you like (OMD challenge day 23: music)

Good morning everyone!

Today's theme in the OMD Pretty Awesome challenge is music, which means we're all likely to have songs stuck in our heads all day long. At my stop I'm serving up psychedelic tunes from one of my all-time favourite bands, Pink Floyd. (I considered doing Leonard Cohen but I just got the Pink Floyd collection from Different Dimension, how could I resist?)

As undies I used LynBDesigns' Quoth the Raven, which turned out to be better at two coats - you might manage with one thick coat but why get one longer-drying coat when you can do it in two thinner and faster-drying ones? This polish dries to a semi-matte finish (and I used it to do the matte manicure I skipped), but the pictures of the finished nail art show it first with a glossy and then with a matte topcoat. Here it is on its own though:

I used about a gazillion polishes for this, as you're wont to do with refracted light, so I'll refrain from posting all their names, but if you have questions, ask.

You've probably all seen this image at one time or another - it's the cover of Dark Side of the Moon. It was designed by Storm Thorgerson (Hipgnosis group), who designed many iconic album covers and sadly passed away earlier this year.

The other nails feature Different Dimension polishes from the Echoes collection. Time (middle finger) and Money (ring finger; ignore the daft visuals in the video) are tracks from Dark Side of the Moon, Wish You Were Here on the pointer is from the album of the same name, and Comfortably Numb on the pinky is from the album from which everyone has probably heard at least one song, The Wall. I think the pink, white and black glitter topper The Wall would've looked better over black than Money, but I couldn't very well skip that when I've got the album cover on my thumb nail. Besides, it's my favourite from the collection and I'm eagerly waiting for a restock so I can get a full-size bottle of it.

matte and beautiful
look at the colour changes on the pointer!

I like these polishes, the four glitter toppers are suitably glittery and the other two (Money and Hey You), which have thin milky bases, are slow to build but beautiful. I like the large round glitters, which I'm seeing a lot more of recently (could be just me discovering them for myself, not a general trend), and though you need to fish for them a bit and place them carefully, they're well worth the trouble. I also knew what I was getting into, as Missi gives fair warning in the listings: "This is not a polish for the faint of heart as it does need work to get some of the bigger holographic circle glitters out." I think that's pretty cool. Of course, I can't be deterred by statements like that but I imagine it's useful for people who want to just put on one layer of top coat and be done with it.

Ready to get some new songs stuck in your head?

23. Music Themed :

Note: Any links to external blogs or stores are pure link love - no advertising or affiliate linking going on here. I paid for everything, including my original Pink Floyd LPs. The earworms come free with purchase.


  1. love this! I'm wearing a pink floyd shirt right now~

  2. Whoa, very creative! :) Nice job! :)

  3. Talk about happy coincidences! :D And can't believe you actually also like Leonard Cohen! Girl, I like you even more now :))
    Each polish is gorgeous on its own but the hommage you did on your thumb is my favourite, no doubt! **

    1. Thank you sweetie :) You like Leonard Cohen too? That's so awesome. I'm going to see him in concert this week :D


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