Dots, dots, dots (OMD day 12: dots)

 Dear readers,

Hot on the heels of last night's Firefly mani comes some quick morning dotting. This one is inspired by this nail art by an unknown to me Dysana (unknown because I repinned it but I'd be happy to give credit if you can point me her way).
My dots don't curve quite as nicely as hers, but overall I'm pretty happy with this. It's looks great for such a quick mani.


I'm wearing one layer of a-England's Elaine, but I'd recommend using two layers for perfect coverage. It is a beautiful dusky purple, more of a winter colour really, but I couldn't resist combining it with OPI Teal the Cows Come Home. I've had Elaine since February and got the OPI with my latest beauty box voucher, so this mani satisfies both conditions of my personal challenge: something new and something indie.

What do you think? Have a look at all the other dots we've got today:

12. Dots :

The nail newbie, all ready to travel

no top coat, that's how glossy it is!


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