Bite my shiny metal nails (OMD challenge day 10: metallic)

Hi everyone,

Work's been keeping me pretty busy! I missed matte day and texture day - I'll definitely revisit matte at a later point, since, as you may have noticed, I'm mad about matte. Matte was not an option for today's nail art though: Bender has such a sparkling personality that he needs the shiny like a megalomaniac villain needs a white fluffy cat.
I trust Bender Bending Rodríguez of Futurama fame needs no introduction. At least I hope so because I need to work some more today so I'm typing this post up really quickly... if you have no idea who or what Bender and/or Futurama are, immediately get yourself the first season of Futurama and watch it!

in the shade
in the sun

The base colour here is a-England King Arthur (with a top coat), with the rogueish robot done in Boulevard de Beauté shades 12 and 17, which are essentially light and dark silver. His mouth presented a problem, the black polish for delineating the teeth would not cooperate and then I had to redo the white part as well and it all got a bit messy and now he's got a bit of a big mouth, but then, doesn't he always? (I've said this before, but I really need to get some good white and black!) Also, excuse the lack of cleanup, I didn't notice the state of my middle finger until just now, when I'm no longer wearing the mani (it really wasn't 'bring your robot to work' day today).

closeup of King Arthur in the sun, 2 layers w top coat

King Arthur essentially applies itself, just like as all other a-Englands I've tried. This is the good stuff. This shows two coats, though you might even get away with just one thicker one. 
You can find a list of a-England distributors here.

Let's see what everyone else did for metal day (I'm really hoping someone did a heavy metal mani!)

10. Metallic :

The robot-loving nail newbie

Note: All opinions are completely my own. Any links to external blogs or stores are pure link love - no advertising or affiliate linking going on here. I received the Boulevard de Beauté polishes as a gift; other than that I paid for everything, but who am I to resist Arthur, son of Uther Pendragon?


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