New blog design

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Hello and welcome aboard the Federation Starship Nail Polish! 

(Yes, I can call it that. If Starfleet can call ships USS Non Sequitur or USS Sherlock Holmes, then surely mine can be named after its ongoing mission to boldly polish what no-one has freehanded before!) 

As you can see, my new blog design is live. I used this template and I’ve spent the last 3 days tweaking the design to my liking. It’s been quite fiddly, let me tell you! I knew very little html (other than that you should always close your tags) and nothing about CSS going in, and I can’t say I know a whole lot more now, but it’s strangely addicting – I’d start fiddling around with some setting and next thing I knew it was 5 hours later. I’m glad I’m done though! I hope you agree with me that the results are worth it.
Expect some minor changes in the next weeks as I struggle to discover how I can get each page of posts to contain the same amount of posts (and not, bizarrely, max-results=20 on one page and 4 on the next) and to add margins to the static pages (about etc.) to prevent the text from sticking to the borders. But I just couldn't wait any longer!

Let me give you a little tour of my new menu. Most of the options point to tags, but there are a few extra pages in there as well.

In the menu bar on the left, we have the Bridge, where you'll find information about the blog and me: blog-related pages such as the about page and my disclaimer, and the Captain’s Log, which will show you all posts about the blog itself (such as this one). I don’t talk about personal things a lot, but when I do, you can find them there as well. The bridge will also always take you Home.

In the next section, Phasers on Stunning, you’ll find my nail art and reviews. If you like holographic polishes, make sure to visit the Holodeck!

Helmsman Hikaru Sulu will be happy to show you all my on-screen obsessions, from Doctor Who and Sherlock to Star Trek and superhero movies. This is also the place for TV rants and my surprisingly popular German recaps of Germany’s Next Top Model (in fact, 5 of them are in my top 10 most popular posts, but I excluded them from the popular posts above the menu to show only posts with pictures).

The Library computer is where all my other geek obsessions live: books, comics, music, maths and assorted nerdery.

The Transporter room, finally, fulfils the same function as on board the USS Enterprise, with a few of Lt. Uhura’s duties mixed in: Ship-to-ship – er, blog-to-blog – communications, guest post exchanges and nail mail. You just know they had to have nail mail on the Enterprise NC-1701, because Uhura wears a different fabulous nail polish in each episode.

Some of these options (such as the guest post link) don’t lead anywhere yet, but I’m sure they’ll be filled in time. Others will appear as I continue to add to my obsessions.

Finally, there’s also a good old-fashioned tag cloud at the bottom of each page in case you’re looking for something specific or something not included in the menu.

I hope you like the new design!

Captain Nail Art out

P.S. Fun fact and justification for recycling the photo in this post: USS Vengeance is the most frequent search term that leads people to my blog. I hope they like my nail art!


  1. I'm SO loving the whole theme around your new design and blog focus! :)
    It's really cool and I like how organized you made everything - no wonder it took you some time to get everything in its place! Wow! :D
    It's really something to navigate (pun intended) around your Federation Starship Nail Polish <3

    1. Thank you for this nice comment, sweetie! I'm glad you like it on board :)


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