221 bee
Die Sherlock-Fans unter euch werden gleich erkannt haben, worum es geht - falls nicht, dann freut euch einfach über die Biene und ignoriert die Zahlen :)
Falls ihr doch eine Erklärung wollt: "The name's Sherlock Holmes and the address is 221B Baker Street." - schaut die großartige neue BBC- Sherlock-Serie (die letztes Jahr auch im deutschen Fernsehen lief) bzw. lest die Geschichten von Arthur Conan Doyle (in denen sich Sherlock Holmes im Alter nach Sussex zurückzieht, um Imker zu werden).
If you're a Sherlock Holmes fan, you'll know exactly what's going on in this mani. If you're not, just ignore the numbers and enjoy the bee - or watch the BBC Sherlock show: "The name's Sherlock Holmes and the address is 221B Baker Street." Or better yet, watch it and read Arthur Conan Doyle's original stories (from which we know that Sherlock Holmes retires to Sussex to keep bees).
Making of:
So richtig perfekt wär's natürlich gewesen, wenn ich das blaue "Baker Street" von Nails inc. hätte. Das ist hier aber schwer zu bekommen, also hab ich stattdessen den guten alten Boulevard de Beauté verwendet. Diese Lacke brauchen zwar ewig, bis sie trocken sind, aber die Farben sind echt geil.
I wish I had Nails Inc. in Baker Street blue! Instead, I used my trusty Boulevard de Beauté. It takes forever for them to dry thoroughly but the colors are amazing.
Hier sieht man (höchst wissenschaftlich) die Evolution der Biene. Ihr könnt euch vielleicht denken, dass ich unten (rechts) begonnen habe. Man kann hier die Entwicklung von Amöbe zu fliegender Amöbe zu fliegender Maus sehr schön mitverfolgen - fast wie im Biologieunterricht ;)
Mir fällt gerade auf, dass ich lustigerweise bei diesen Skizzen immer von rechts nach links und unten nach oben gehe, obwohl ich Rechtshänderin bin. Bei den Zombies war das auch schon so. Ich hab dafür keine Erklärung.
Und auf dem unteren Bild seht ihr dann die tatsächliche Biene
vor den Bildern ihrer Urahnen. Ihr ging's da gerade so wie uns, wenn
wir ins Naturhistorische Museum gehen und Ausstellungen über die
Entwicklung der Menschheit sehen: groß geschaut, sich gedacht "na holla die Waldfee, Evolution, zum
Glück seh ich nicht so aus" und dann im Museumsshop einen
Plastikdinosaurier gekauft. (Das war ein Einblick in das geheimnisvolle Leben der Bienen.)
Euer Sherlock-fanatisches Nagelnewbie
I just realized I always seem to sketch from right to left and from the bottom up despite drawing with my right hand. It was the same with the zombies. Weird, I have no explanation for this.
And in the last picture, you've got the actual bee visiting the pictures of its ancestors. She felt like we do when we go to the museum of natural history and see an exhibition on the development of humankind: goggled at it all, thought "well I'm glad I don't look like them, thanks for getting your act together, evolution!" and exited through the gift shop after buying a plastic dinosaur. Ahh, the secret life of bees.
The kinda fangirly nail newbie
Yay for BBC Sherlock! <3
ReplyDeleteHigh five! :D
Delete"well I'm glad I don't look like them"
ReplyDeleteYou are funny! :))
I am a HUGE fan of SH books but quite frankly I think they chose too young an actor to portray him - so not like I've been imagining him since teenage years - and I just can't bring myself to watch the series, sorry :/
Still... really liked you mani! ;)
Hehe, thanks! I'm always glad if I can make people laugh :)
DeleteI understand about things not looking like they do in your head, there are some movies and shows I just can't watch because they're too different from my imagination.
I was really hesitant about this show, what with it being set in the 21st century and them having mobile phones and both of them totally not looking like the pipe-smoking Holmes and Watson of old. But after watching the first episode (A Study in Pink ;)), I was completely sold on it. It works. Sherlock shows a bit more of his antisocial side and bothers less with pretending social niceties than in the books, but he is unmistakably Sherlock Holmes. And there's so many nods to A.C. Doyle, lots of original or just slightly modified dialogue, etc.
Maybe you've already tried it and it didn't work for you, but otherwise I'd recommend giving it a chance :)
I shouldn't be talking though - I cannot bring myself to watch "Elementary". Lucy Liu as Watson just does not work for me AT ALL. *shudder*
(Actually, if you think about it, Sherlock Holmes was in his early 30ies in A Study in Scarlet, but of course that was at the time considered a more advanced age than it is today. He's always older in my head too.)
Sorry, that was a bit long - as you can see, I'm a bit of a fan ;)
haha - don't worry, I like long replies.
DeleteWill give it a go - haven't yet - just because you made such nice advertisement ;) Will tell you afterwards how I felt about it :))
Excellent :D I hope you like it!
DeleteGröhl, ich schmeiß mich hier weg. Mal abgesehen davon, dass ich deine Nageldesigns schon mal spitze finde, hat mich deine wissenschaftliche Abwicklung zur Biene königlichst amüsiert. Weiter so, dann komm ich immer wieder super gerne zum Lesen und Lachen. LG, Steffi
ReplyDeleteHihi, danke! Wie es der Zufall so will werd ich übrigens heute oder morgen noch ein (etwas unwissenschaftlicheres) Bienen-Design posten ;)
DeleteJust thought I'd stop by again and let you know I've started watching «Sherlock» :)
ReplyDeleteAnd you were right! (of course!) - I'm loving it! **
Yay, that's great! You're lucky too, you only have half a year to wait for Season 3 :)