Princess Tears

3 coats, artificial light / 3 Lagen, Kunstlicht

Meine a-england-Bestellung ist diese Woche angekommen, aber in meinem Post darüber musste ich mich so über die britische Post aufregen, dass ich den lieber nochmal überdenke und euch einfach ein paar hübsche Bilder von Princess Tears zeige.

My a-england shipment arrived this week, but my post about it turned into a major rant about postal services that may need some editing, so instead I'm leaving you with a few pretty pictures of Princess Tears.

Die Konsistenz ist sehr gut, vielleicht ein bisschen flüssig. Und dieser helle Fliederton mit Holo-Effekt ist einfach wunderschön.
Im unteren Bild sieht man ihn so richtig schön (bei Kunstlicht, ohne Blitz).
Die Nägel meiner rechten Hand (Tageslichtfoto) sind nicht besonders ansehnlich - ich hab ein bisschen Ikea-Bastelei betrieben...

Daylight / Tageslicht

It's just as pleasant to apply as I've heard - maybe a bit on the liquid side - and the lilac shade with the holo is divine. Just look at it in the third picture (artificial light, no flash).

Please forgive the chipped nails in the daylight picture, I did some DIY...

I'll show you the other shades later - possibly with a side of rant ;)

The already slightly cooled down nail newbie
This has some mad holo going on

Bilder von den anderen Lacken folgen - vielleicht trotzdem noch mit einem kleinen Postgeschimpfe ;)

Euer schon etwas weniger aufgebrachtes Nagelnewbie


  1. I've been dying to experiment this brand for ages!!
    But am so afraid of facing the same shipping troubles everyone complains about! :/
    I'm not a patient person at all and it would get on my nerves (A LOT) if I had to wait too long for a dearly coveted polish!
    So please share your opinion - hehe - venting also helps a lot to work it out ;)

    1. I'll be posting more about this in the actual, but the recent shipping troubles were caused by a change in the Royal Mail's policies - they no longer accept nail polish for delivery, so technically we can't order from the UK at all anymore. (I ordered these just before anyone was aware of the change and the owner really did her best to find a forwarding service that would ship them from France.)
      The good news is that they'll be publishing a list of international vendors, so we will be able to order a-england again at some point :)


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