Hammer time!

 Dear readers,

Work's still keeping me busy, so here's a quick post with nail art I somehow neglected to post in November - my nails for Thor: The Dark World. I love me some Marvelverse!

The base is LynBDesigns Little Foot, and if I remember correctly, Mjolnir is LynBDesigns Eloquent Dust topped with ILNP Bottle Service, with the handle in some Essence brown. The lightning is some random white polish topped with a bit of Model's Own Indian Ocean, which gives it a nice glow (same as the arc reactor in my Iron Man mani). I had glowier photos on my phone but that died so you'll just have to trust me on that ;)

Lightning before adding the topper
Giveaway news: The giveaway has ended and I'll be drawing the winner tonight or tomorrow and contacting them by e-mail. Once they've responded, I'll announce their name on the blog. Thanks for participating!

Have a nice day - and for those of you watching the Superbowl: Enjoy the game! I'll be watching, but I still need to pick a team and re-watch Basic Football with Burt Reynolds. As you can probably tell, I'm really dedicated to this sport ;)

Captain Spacenails

1 comment:

  1. Haha, was für eine geile Idee!
    (und ich reg mich immer noch auf, dass ich den Film nicht im Kino gesehen hab (weil keiner mit mir rein wollte *fuuuuuu*))


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