
I got a very special package this week from Sabrina at Polish Alcoholic. If you don’t know her, check out her blog, you won’t regret it. She does beautiful nail art and posts tutorials for them as well. Her site is also one of my go-to blogs for swatches, since she reviews a lot of polish from both commercial and indie makers. Go check it out now, then come back!

Ich hab diese Woche ein ganz tolles Paket bekommen: Eine OPI Runway-Minnies-Box von Polish Alcoholic. Hier ist meine Dankeschön-Maniküre.

A while ago she had a giveaway for the OPI “Couture de Minnie Runway Minnies” set and I got lucky! It arrived on Monday, probably the fastest an international package I’ve ever gotten, it took just 3 days from the Netherlands to Austria! I was really excited about this because the colours in this collection are so gorgeous. Look how beautifully she wrapped it! Even though I knew what it was, opening a gift package just makes it more special.


Now you may be thinking “you got it Monday, why haven’t you thanked her yet?” and you’d be right. But see, I wanted to do it properly. I loved the polish so much that I decided to make a very special manicure just for her. A Minnie-cure, if you will.

I started with a skittle to show off all the colours. The light pink is three coats but the others are just one coat each,  and they were all delightful to work with. That’s Chic from Ears to Tail on the pointer, A Definite Moust-Have on the middle finger, Innie Minnie Mighty Bow (my favourite – look at that gleam!) on the ring finger and Magazine Cover Mouse on the pinky, which, by the way, is my first sand polish. I’m not sure about the texture but it looks beautiful!


But you know me, I never do things the easy way, so I started messing around a bit. The heart on the pointer is sand polish, doesn’t it gleam wonderfully? I’m not sure the dots were a good idea, they look a bit out of place.  On the pinky I tried to create nail art with a top coat but you couldn’t really see it, so I just coated the whole nail.

Of course I could't leave my thumb white, so I tried to paint Minnie herself. It's not quite as stylish as the original, but then, who could ever copy Minnie's style?

And finally, the ring finger is both self-explanatory and the most important one in this mani: Thank you so much, Sabrina!  

The happy nail newbie


  1. Minni-cure *.*
    Me likey berry much! And I think the sand polish will grow on you, for sure! :D
    This is such a cute look, hun, and your thumb looks great! And, just saying, mind you I'm not an expert, you could have just dotted Minnie's nose on your middle finger, instead of the dots you didn't like much ;)

  2. This mani is absolutely cute! Thanks so much for creating this 'for me'. I'm flattered. I'm glad they arrived safely at your place. Have fun with them :D

    1. Thank you, I'm so glad you like it :D
      I'll definitely have lots of fun :)


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