Haul April 2013

It's been a while since my last haul post... which of course means that I have an embarrassing amount of nail polish to show you... though perhaps not quite enough, as you'll see tomorrow. In an attempt to not turn this into complete picture spam, I'm making two posts and using collages - you can click on them to enlarge.

Liebe deutschsprachige Leserinnen, der heutige Post ist nur auf Englisch - ich hoffe, er gefällt euch trotzdem!

So I discovered H&M has polish in fantastic colours! This is a pack of five mini polishes with the imaginative names glittery purple, glittery green, turquoise, orange, and yellow, and the more excitingly named Shanghai Nights. Glittery purple is a mix of tiny bars and round glitter particles in purple, gold, and teal in a relatively clear base, while glittery green should be called glittery teal, because the round glitter here is teal (not that I'm complaining!), also in a clear base. The orange is slightly sparkly and tends towards red, really pretty. The other two are more on the creme-y side, and it just so happens that the yellow is the slightly mustardy yellow required for Star Fleet command shirts, so you've seen it in my Star Trek mani. Shanghai Nights is gorgeous, especially over purple (mani to follow).

Flormar had a 4 for €10,- deal so I picked up the deep classic red M109 (used here), the coral shimmer 08, the nude 124, and the grey M127 I used in last month's tri-polish challenge.  

I scored the ones in the bottom picture at a flea markets for crazy good prices. They've all only been swatched. My first butter London, models own and China Glaze polishes! From left to right, they are: Manhattan 97, Manhattan 78C, Models Own Indian Ocean (which you've seen featured as a topper here and here), butter London Scouse and The Black Knight, Jessica 744 Platinum Wishes (never heard of the brand before but it's a lovely fine multi-coloured glitter with blue, green, orange and gold), and China Glaze 1204 Get Carried Away, which is the most unusual topper I have - hard to wear but kinda cool.
There's a beauty blogger flea market this weekend, let's see what I find this time :)

I  succumbed to the draw of Literary Lacquers when I saw the swatches for The Good Parts collection on The Crumpet and on many other blogs and got the fantastic holos If It Pleases You and Laters, Baby. This would be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

I bought the surprising and mysterious Anny 047 The Answer is Love and got a free mini sample of Dior Diablotine from a Douglas store - I say surprising because despite what you see in the bottle, it is a deep blue with all sorts of red and rust and purple going on on top. 

Catrice Mint me up has little gold sparkles in it, which together with the muted mint gives me a sort of art deco feeling. 

My sister gave me a bottle of L'Oreal Lush Tangerine that didn't work for her and that I was first only going to use for nail art but since trying it properly, I'm starting to think I should wear orange on my nails. 

And finally, experiments with top coats. You've seen the flormar mattifying top coat in action several times already and, though you don't know it, the essence quick dry top coat on pretty much everything else. The essence gel-look top coat does look beautiful but it's so infuriatingly soft! It doesn't matter how long I let it dry, I always ruin it in the end.

Tune in tomorrow for part 2 - the May haul.

The well-stocked nail newbie

Note: Any links to external blogs or stores are pure link love - no advertising or affiliate linking going on here. I paid for everything (except what I got from my sister and the Douglas sales lady).


  1. GIRL!
    You are crazy!! These posts can give me a heart condition! I can't, absolutely cannot, spend money on new polishes this month and my heart is aching already! And I had no idea there was such a thing as a beauty flea market! I wanna go live there! hahah
    The mini H&M are so adorable - love all of them!!
    Manhattan 78C and Models Own Indian Ocean are adorable and I won't comment on your Butter London *jealous* :P
    Can't wait to see what you think of The Answer is Love - Anny is one of my fave brands! <3

    1. Yikes, I'll slap a warning label on the beauty flea market post then :)
      It was crazy full but I managed to snag some lovelies anyway... I know what you mean though, polish pictures are going to be the ruin of me - I should really not look at swatch posts!


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