May tri-polish challenge, day 2: A crazy shade of winter

Day 2 of the Crumpet Nail Tarts' Tri-Polish Challenge and it's crazy freehand time. I love the combination of red and grey but I can't help it, it really reminds me of winter. 

So what was initially going to be cranberries became rose hips, and a hungry little red robin came flying along, and as if that wasn't wintery enough, I felt the need to dust a bit of snow on the branches.

Meanwhile, the
rose bush in my garden has long lost its fruit to the birds and the spring and has replaced them with red buds that burst into bloom overnight.

Happy spring!
The nail newbie

Go here to lovely Mina to see the full linky. Full linky below. Go see lovely Mina anyway :)

Mein heutiger Beitrag zur Crumpet Nail Tarts Tri-Polish Challenge ist wieder die gewohnte Malerei. Grau und Rot ist eine Kombination, die mir sehr gut gefällt, mich aber unweigerlich an Winter erinnert.

Und so wurden aus Preiselbeeren Hagebutten und ein Rotkehlchen kam angeflogen, um an ihnen zu naschen, und schließlich kam noch ein bisschen Schnee auf Ast und Hagebutten.

In Wirklichkeit sind die Hagebutten auf meinem Rosenbusch schon längst den Vögeln und dem Frühling zum Opfer gefallen. Statt ihnen sprießen dort nun wieder Knospen, die über Nacht aufblühen.

Euer Nagelnewbie, ganz in Frühlingsstimmung

flormar supermatte M127, OPI Cajun Shrimp, s-he 285 (not used)
Additional polish: LOOK Nail Art in white and black

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. I LOVE the story behind this mani! Adorable!
    And although I love the lil' Robin, I have to say the rose buds are my fave.
    Hope the weather is not too harsh right now in Deutschland, or is it?

    Btw, although so sweet of you about inlinz and calling me sweet (hehhe), do you need help with the codes or sth, hun? I thought you'd got them by now so... let me know! ;)

    1. Thanks sweetie, I'm glad you like it! The weather's not too nice right now, rainy and rather cool, but definitely not winter! (I'm in Austria though, not Germany)
      If you could give me the codes, that'd be great - since I'm not in the in Facebook group I don't know how to get them. (My mail address is in my blogger profile if you want to send them.)
      Thank you! :D

    2. Pfffft! I thought you were in Germany because of our last talk about the Douglas subscription box and how you were saying how it worked in Germany - haha, sorry, hun. Sending you email right after :)

    3. Right, I see how that could have been a bit confusing. No, I was just talking about Germany because I happen to know how it works there (since I read a lot of German blogs).
      Thanks for the help, got your mail!

  2. Oh ho cute! I love your little red robin :)


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