Blog sale part 1 - Indie polishes galore!

Hello and welcome to my blog sale - Hallo und willkommen zu meinem Nagellack-Abverkauf

English info (Deutsch s. unten)

Most polishes have only been swatched, some unopened, some used a few times. They will be marked and priced accordingly.
Payment via Paypal, prices in EURO (Paypal converts for you). Reservations possible for 72 hours. Contact me at boldly_polish (at) yahoo [dot] com.
Buy 5, get the 6th one free*, buy 10 and you get 3 free*. If you’re buying more than that, I’ll be sure to throw in some extras!
*of equal or lower value
Shipping is from Austria/Germany/UK: Cheap for Europeans, not so much overseas. See end of the post for shipping rates or contact me.

Deutsche Info
Willkommen bei meinem Blogsale Teil 1 (Indie-Lacke)
Wenn nicht anders vermerkt, sind alle Lacke einmal geswatcht.
Zahlung per Paypal, Reservierungen für 72 Stunden möglich.
Kontakt: boldly_polish (at) yahoo [dot] com
Beim Kauf von 5 gibt’s ein 6. gratis dazu, beim Kauf von 10 gibt’s 3 gratis (gleicher oder niedrigerer Preis).
Versand Österreich, Schweiz: nach Wunsch österreichische Post oder Hermes, persönliche Übergabe in Wien möglich.
Versand Deutschland:  Deutsche Post oder persönliche Übergabe in Berlin 1.-7.7.

Fated Prince – swatched, €8.50
Arthur & Merlin – used 3-4 times, €7.50 each

Different Dimension

Money (unopened, €6.50), Never grow up €6, Today was a fairytale €6, Drops of Jupiter €6, Wish you were here (one-off, €4), Merry Go Round (mini, €3.50),
All swatched/used once except Money. 

Digital Nails
Lying (thermal teal/purple), Timey Wimey, Wibbly Wobbly, Stars at Night (holo)
All used 1-2 times. Stars at Night €9, others €7.

Fandom Cosmetics
221B black, Most loyal, TARDIS blue
All swatched only. 221B black €6, others €3.

Happy Hands
Price: €7 each
Sweet Dreams, Reptar’s Revenge LE (name label smudged by water)

ILNP – I Love Nail Polish
Prices: Ultrachromes €8.50, Holos €7 each except those marked * €6.50, You’re My Boy Blue €7.50, Monterey Bay 2.50, Bohemian Peacock €2.

Ultraholos: Grapealicious, Cosmic Barney, Absolute Zero, Amanda Hugginkiss*, Pixie Dust*, Princess Diaries*, You’re My Boy Blue (unopened), Blue Steel, Bottle Service, Monterey Bay (ultra mini, unopened)

ILNP Ultrachromes:  Undenied, Cygnus Loop,  Birefringence (holo), Mutagen

ILNP Others/Holo toppers:

Music Box*, My Private Rainbow (linear), My Private Rainbow (linear + scattered), Bohemian Peacock* (ultra mini)

*used 4-5 times, Monterey Bay & You’re My Boy Blue unopened and with packaging, rest swatched.

Literary Lacquers
Price: €7 each except * €6.50
Holos: If It Pleases You, Laters Baby, Lake of Shining Waters, Green Gables, More Like Fire Than Light*, Greatest Treasures*, Raspberry Cordial?

Other polishes: Gift of the Magi, Bionic Mmmm-Detector, Grey Cat/Grey Fence, Woman of Pleasure, What Fools These Mortals Be, Zipless

*More Like Fire Than Light & Greatest Treasures used 4-5 times, rest swatched/used once. What Fools These Mortals Be is missing the name label at the bottom.

Lucky 13 Lacquers

Large (15ml) – €6 each: InsaTEALable, Femme FaTEAL, TEAL Me I’m Pretty, Pride, Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey, A Little More Sonic, Don’t Cry Over Spilled Glitter 

Shorties (10ml) - €4 each: Be sTEAL my Heart!, TEAL Me No Lies, Avada Kedavra, Are You My Mummy, The Hero of Canton the Man they Call Jayne, Live is Short and You are Hot
(all swatched/used once; TEAL Me I’m Pretty has a coffee stain on the top label)

Price: €5.50 except *€5.00

 From the Doctor Who collections:
I was only saying ‘hello’, Snog box, Time and relative dimension in space*, My bespoke psychopath, Oh you beautiful idiot, Anomalous bloke, Slim and a little bit foxy, Weeping angels, It’s mauve and dangerous, Big friendly button, The fires of Gallifrey, Am I ginger?

Baker Street collection:
IOU, Improbable truths, Start with the riding crop*, So changeable, Mind palace*, Lost without my blogger*
Little foot (The land before time collection)
* used 2-3 times, others swatched/used once

Pretty & Polished
Price: €4.50 each
Sittin’ on the Dot of the Bay, So Jazzed!, Liberty Bell Ruby, Tears of Dionysus, Heart of the Ocean – all swatched/used once.

Darling Diva Polish Wedding Day Jitters, used once: This was a gift so it will FREE for the first one to spend over €40 (before shipping).
Pahlish: Pianos filled with flames, Toxic and timeless, Lonesome Ocean – swatched only, €7 each.
Nail Pattern Boldness:  Hello, Sweetie & Oodiful - used once, €7 each.

Shipping: Domestic rates in Austria. I’ll be in Germany in early July and can post packages from there at domestic rates for Germans, same with the UK in late July. Other international orders will ship from Germany if you can wait (cheaper) or Austria if you want your polishes right away.


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Hallo! Ich freu mich sehr über jeden Kommentar!
Da sie moderiert sind, erscheinen sie nicht sofort, aber dafür könnt ihr euch sicher sein, dass ich auch jeden einzelnen lese :) Ich werd so schnell wie möglich darauf antworten.

Hey, you! Yes, you. Wanna buy some polish?

Seriously, this is just a preview. There's more!

Dear readers,
let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved to paint her nails. She enjoyed combining different polishes, making nail art, and buying new polish. She even blogged about it.
But then one day she realised she had used only two polishes for the last four months. She didn’t have time for nail art anymore, and the sight of the polishes in her drawer now filled her with anxiety, not pleasure.

With a heavy heart, she decided to sell some of her polishes. She kept a few, but the others she posted on her blog for sale so that others might give them a better home.

Yes, I’m having a blog sale. Yes, there’s tons of awesome, once-swatched indies up for grabs (and even a few unopened ones). There’s also some commercial high-end and drugstore polishes, and some polishes that have been used more than a few times. These will be clearly marked and priced lower.

Buying more gets you cheaper polishes: Buy 5, get the 6th one (of equal or lower value) free, buy 10 and you get 3 (of equal or lower value) free. If you’re buying more than that, I’ll be sure to throw in some extras!

Prices are in Euro, but since payment is via Paypal, you don’t have to worry about that – you can set it to pay in € and it will apply its conversion rate and charge you in your home currency.

Shipping is from Austria, so it’s a great opportunity for Europeans to get some of those indie polishes without customs and with cheaper shipping. I’ll be in Germany in early July and can post packages from there at domestic rates for Germans (and cheaper rates for others than from Austria), same with the UK in late July.
Overseas shipping, however, is pretty expensive, but might be worth it for out-of-stock polishes, that’s up to you.

The first part of the blog sale (indie polishes) will be going up today, the second part (high-end commercial and drugstore polishes) probably tomorrow. You can reserve items for 72 hours.

But now let’s get back to the story, because there is a happy end.
Our heroine decided she’d just use the polishes left over for a while and see if she felt like blogging. She wasn’t done with nail art completely, she felt, just waiting for inspiration.

Captain Spacenails


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Comment moderation is enabled so your comment won't appear right away but at least you can be sure I read every single comment and try to answer them as fast as possible :)

Hallo! Ich freu mich sehr über jeden Kommentar!
Da sie moderiert sind, erscheinen sie nicht sofort, aber dafür könnt ihr euch sicher sein, dass ich auch jeden einzelnen lese :) Ich werd so schnell wie möglich darauf antworten.

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