When you get spoilered by your dreams (no actual spoilers unless I'm clairvoyant)
On that note, universe: please no more spoilers. I'm not looking at the released photos, series promo or setlock, especially after I was warned one of them could be considered a spoiler. There's also a new interactive trailer out that's apparently the bee's knees, and I'm a bit scared of it. Well, I already read the disgustingly detailed synopsis of the first episode on the BBC site by accident, so I know a bit of what's going to happen, but I'm not sure I'm ready to deal with the implications of an interactive trailer for that episode after the intense feels and the stories my mind started cooking up last time.
I was going to post about my anticipation, but any research I do or gif I look for will inevitably get me spoilered, so I'll just leave it at this. Have a great weekend! I, for one, will be watching Benedict Cumberbatch and Jonny Lee Miller in Frankenstein (otherwise known as That Play With The Two Sherlocks Switching Roles And Getting Naked, Except On The Days They Recorded It, Which I Can Understand and Appreciate Because The Theatre's Going To Be Full Of Screaming, Fainting Girls Already, Don't Need To Add To That, It's A Theatre Play Not A One Direction Concert Ferchrissakes).
Captain Spacenails
The polish is LynBDesigns Let's Start With the Riding Crop, contrast
nail in Eloquent Dust and Quoth the Raven (also LynBDesigns). Look at it sparkle in the sunlight like a vampire!
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