June Tri-Polish Challenge, Day 3: Fade to pink

Well. Apparently it's Tuesday, who knew? And I have no post prepared but at least I've got pictures: a gradient with gold glitter for day 3 of the June Tri-Polish challenge. Enjoy and check out the others' nails below :)

The busy little nail new-bee


  1. These are so pretty! They remind me of sugar-coated jelly sweets :)

  2. You used all three colours! I'm soooo bad at gradients with more than two colours hahah
    And I love the glitter! Oh, and don't worry about words - I've been kind of 'lazy speechless' myself ;)
    Hope you're busy for a good reason, though

    1. Thank you! I've been busy working but that's okay :)

  3. Awesome! I love gradients. :)


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